My role: Product Designer
Verb is a leading Mobile CRM built to increase revenue and retention for Direct Sales Companies.
Enhance/ Update the sharing process to be flexible with all social media platforms with a few clicks as possible while maximizing the contact and share tracks on the platform.
To account for the specific flow process for the top 10 social media platforms that our clients use based on what countries they are in.
To account for each of the 20 or so share processes from above and determine if we need to or should utilize the social platforms SDK or not. We need to determine the pros/ cons of doing that as well as the engineering LOE for each of these.
We should specifically account for the sharing process where there is a generic share vs a contact specific share and how we maximize the utility of the contact specific share.
We need to account for different social platform requirements based on the media types (video, PDF, Image, Audio)
Should review the notifications and feed items for clicks on the above for both generic and contact specific share.
Thank you